Love God and Each Other
So Others Do Likewise

We are followers of Jesus committed to loving God and each other so that others will do likewise. Together we seek to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and bear fruit according to what the Bible tells us it looks like to follow Jesus well. A committed follower of Jesus at Cornerstone is striving to live out the following characteristics personally, communally, and before the world:

Scripture Believing

We seek to be transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit through the study of God's inerrant Word.

Doctrine Defending

We seek to understand our theology with clarity and conviction, so as to walk worthy in an unbelieving world.

Passionately Worshiping

We lift our words, thoughts and actions to the Lord in celebration of what he has done, is doing, and will keep doing throughout eternity.

Generously Stewarding

All that we have comes from God, and we use His resources for His glory.

Ceaselessly Praying

We recognize our dependence on God through our prayers as we praise, petition, and give thanks.

Gospel Sharing

We seek to proclaim the good news about Jesus in the near, far, and everywhere as we go.

Humbly Serving

In genuine humility, we use our spiritual gifts to strengthen and grow the body of Christ.

Kingdom Advancing

We are disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples...

Christ's Image Bearing

Christ is our cornerstone, and we strive to see the Holy Spirit transform us into the image of Christ personally and communally, so we are people known by how others see Christ in us.

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