Ministry Care

Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone cheerful? He should sing praises.
Is anyone among you sick? He should call for the elders of the church,
and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5:13-14 CSB
As people walk through life, sooner or later, everyone needs a little help. We all have defining moments in our lives—challenging circumstances, relational pain, transitional seasons. How we respond during these times has a direct impact on our futures.
Cornerstone Ministry Care supports and guides individuals, couples, and families with biblical, life-giving care as they navigate through change in every season of life. At Cornerstone Church, you don’t have to go through it alone; whatever it is for you right now.  It is not God’s intention to struggle in isolation or silence.  We are here to listen to you, encourage you (1 Thessalonians 5:14), share your burdens (Galatians 6:2), and pray for you with you (James 5:13-20).

Our Ministry Care Team is made up of mature and experienced elders, pastors, and believers who are available to celebrate special occasions or walk with you through the painful experiences and difficult transitions of life.  We will listen to the story about your situation and seek to fully understand what is going on in your life. Together, with faith and by seeking God’s wisdom, we can help you identify potential solutions and access practical resources that empower you to take the next steps forward through the changes and uncertainty you are facing.

Our team is here to put on the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit as we take our place on the front lines in praying for our church family.  Sometimes you might have prayer requests that are confidential. Sometimes you might have a struggle you aren't sure how to share. Whatever the case, we are available to hear and pray over you and your requests.
We are available to listen and hear your story.  We will speak the truth and help determine your next best step. Life is not always easy and sometimes you just need a safe person to talk to. Perhaps you could use some help resolving a conflict between you and someone else.  Perhaps you could use some help resolving a conflict between you and someone else.  Our team will provide biblical ways to resolve conflicts personally and privately. We seek to imitate Christ's example, displaying his love, mercy, forgiveness, and wisdom to dissipate anger, improve understanding, promote justice, and model repentance and reconciliation.
If you are hospitalized or undergoing surgery, we provide prayer, presence, and encouragement.  Our team makes visits, and we consider it a privilege to pray for those experiencing health crises.  The needs of those who suffer are unique.  It takes effort and commitment to minister effectively.  Because suffering is such an individual experience our  team is comprised of those who are good listeners and very familiar with God’s Word.
The Cornerstone benevolence fund exists to provide assistance to members and regular attenders who are experiencing a season of financial hardship. Please present your need to your Life Group leader.  They will then present the need to the elders.  You may also speak directly to one of the elders.  These are the people who will be able to walk alongside you best.
Loss is hard. Although everyone handles grief differently, nobody handles it easily. One of the ways that Christ comforts His children is through His body – the church. Romans 12:15 reminds us to “weep with those who weep.” After all, that’s what Jesus did. When His friend Lazarus died, He wept with Mary and Martha over their loss (John 11:35). Our team will help you understand what you are experiencing and give you tools to grow in the midst of your grief. We will help you discover how God wants to help you move forward, find peace, and be restored.

Contact our Ministry Care Team